Sunday, April 4, 2010

We're alive!

Nancy and I arrived safely in Delhi last night. We had a horribly bumpy flight - I think I've seen too many episodes of Lost to be able to tolerate much turbulence - but survived without crashing into the Atlantic or Iran. We were picked up at the airport by a man with our names on a sign, which made us feel very important, and taken to the flat we are staying at in South Delhi, along with 3 girls from the UK who are here doing various volunteer projects.

So far, my impressions of Delhi are that it's very hot, very crowded, and has the most unbelievable traffic I have ever seen. There are no rules, no lanes, pedestrians/bicycles/cows wandering wherever they want, and the group of us, getting honked at and practically run over every time we step out the door. Hopefully it just takes a little getting used to. For getting around town, we take auto-rickshaws (rickshaws attached to motorbikes), which I would wager about as scary as jumping out of a plane. We are doing some sightseeing around Delhi this afternoon, and then leaving tomorrow to do a week of rural medicine in Chandigarh.

Our apartment and view in Delhi


  1. Sounds exciting! In order to better keep up with your whereabouts, I grabbed the nearest atlas I could find.....which happened to be The Onion's "Our Dumb World Atlas" that was recently acquired during an O'Briant Christmas exchange. They have few interesting things to say about those cows, the 30 million citizens who just happen to be the world's leading technical-support providers, a few comments about the drinking water, and other "facts". I best go to the public library this week and check out a more politically correct book on India. We look forward to future pictures and stories. I'm sure this next month will prove to be an amazing and memorable chapter of your life. Hugs! Pam & John

  2. sounds cool Tricia...bring me back a good souvi! maybe some bengal stuff from darjeeling hahaha
